All Saints' Rampton
Join us for a prayer meeting at the church on Good Friday.
All Saints' Rampton
All Saints' Rampton
A service of holy communion to celebrate the coming of Easter. Everybody welcome!
All Saints' Rampton
All Saints' Rampton is open every day of the year to visit and for individual prayer - please feel welcome to drop in at anytime in the day to enjoy this special space. There is a visitors book inside the Church and we invite to leave your thoughts and comments.
As a Festival church, there are services at All Saint's Rampton at key festivals in the year including Easter, Harvest and Christmas.
In addition, as part of the combined parish of Cottenham with Rampton, there is regular Church worship each Sunday at our sister church, All Saint's Cottenham. Details of the service times there and weekly newsheets can be found on the All Saints' Church Cottenham website.
All Saints' Church, Rampton.